la Troisième édition de l'International Journal of Informatics and Applied Mathematics 2020.

Chers collègues chercheurs,
Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la Troisième édition de l'International Journal of Informatics and Applied Mathematics.
Le volume 3 Issue 1 est maintenant disponible en ligne.
e-ISSN 2667-6990 | Period Biannually | Founded: 2018 | Publisher International Society of Academicians
Dans ce numéro :
- Full Duplex Radio Communications in High Efficiency WLANs: Study and Comparison of the Main MAC Protocols /" Kenza HOCINI, Mohand YAZID" ;Pages : 1-21 PDF
- Latency and Energy Efficient Routing-Aware TDMA for Wireless Sensor Networks / "İslam Amine BOUCHEDJERA, Lemia LOUAİL"; Pages : 22-38 PDF
- Automated Facial Expression Recognition Using Deep Learning Techniques: An Overview / "Meriem SARİ, Abdelouahab MOUSSAOUI, Abdenour HADİD"; Pages : 39-53 PDF
- A Genetic Approach Wrapped Support Vector Machine for Feature Selection Applied to Parkinson's Disease Diagnosi /"Bouslah AYOUB, Taleb NORA"; Pages : 54-69 PDF
- Denoising of Speech Signal Using Decision Directed Approach /" Abdelli OUARDİA, Fatiha MERAZKA" Pages : 70-83; PDF