Haddadi Salim

Salim Haddadi

Professor of Operational Research
University of the 8th of May, 1945
Computer Science Department
PO Box 401
24000 Guelma, Algeria

Phone: (213) (0) 661 953 363

E-mail: Salim.haddadi@yahoo.com and haddadi@labstic.com 



Doctoral Thesis in Computer Science from Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France (1994)
Fields of professionnal interest

  • Operational Research
  • Combinatorial and Discrete Optimization
  • Computational Complexity
  • Mathematical Programming
  • Graph Theory


Algèbre linéaire dans IRn – théorie, algorithmes et complexité (collection informatique), Hermes Science/Lavoisier, Paris 2012

Selected papers












  • Haddadi, S. (1996) Une approche par partitionnement des contraintes du problème de couverture d’ensemble, Investigación Operativa 5, 99-116
  • Haddadi, S. (1997) Simple Lagrangian heuristic for the set covering problem, European Journal of Operational Research 97, 200-204
  • Haddadi, S. (1999) Lagrangian decomposition based heuristic for the generalized assignment problem, Information Systems and Operational Research 37, 392-402
  • Haddadi, S. (2000) Heuristic approach for assigning multi-job adopted machines, Investigación Operativa 9, 263-274
  • Haddadi, S. and H. Ouzia (2001) An effective Lagrangian heuristic for the generalized assignment problem, Information Systems and Operational Research 39, 351-356
  • Haddadi, S. (2002) A note on the NP-hardness of the consecutive block minimization problem, International Transactions in Operational Research 9, 775-778
  • Haddadi, S. and H. Ouzia (2004) Effective algorithm and heuristic for the generalized assignment problem, European Journal of Operational Research 153, 184-190
  • Haddadi, S. and O. Slimani (2007) Alternative Decomposition Based Approach for Assigning Disjunctive tasks, Algorithmic Operations Research 2, 129-136
  • Haddadi, S. and Z. Layouni (2008) Consecutive block minimization is 1.5-approximable, Information Processing Letters 108, 132-135
  • Haddadi, S. and O. Slimani (2011) The transportation problem revisited - preprocessing before using the primal–dual algorithm, Journal of the Operational Research Society advance online publication, 2 November 2011, doi:10.1057/jors.2011.106

New Research Project (PNR – to be submitted)

Application de l’optimisation combinatoire et des automates cellulaires au problème d’habillage des lignes aériennes

Doctoral Thesis under consideration

Sara Chenche, Localisation des stations d’arrêt de lignes d’autobus urbains (beginning in 2012)

Teaching Assignments 2012-13

  • Linear Programming (2ème année Licence Systèmes d’Information)
  • Théorie des graphes (3ème année Licence Systèmes d’Information)
  • Advanced operational research (2ème année master)

Administrative duties

Head of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Science of Matter


  • Classic Music, Jazz, World Music
  • History of civilizations, 2nd World war
  • Cosmology
  • Wild life and nature